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Welcome to and thank you for taking a few minutes to check out my blog. This website went through many incarnations. After careful thought, I want to use this space to be a place to express my views and comments on current events. My personal platform to express my creative side. As the world is changing, the world appears to be more divided than ever before. My intention with my postings is to open a dialogue with the world and determine how we can make the world a better place. Maybe if we can discuss instead of accusing each other, we might see some positive change.

For those of you who do not know me, I am a retail professional, a business enthusiast, an active investor (hence the index ticker below) and I am an aspiring author. I have been neglecting my artistic side for many years, but this platform will help me express that love for writing.

I renamed the Blog “Dino’s Reflections” because it will contain my views on various subjects. In addition, you will also find my articles from, an entertainment blog covering movies, music, videogames and comics. If you are looking for diversity, a wide range of subjects, you are at the right place.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my official blog. Do not hesitate to comment or send me a message either on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or by old fashion email at I always enjoy hearing from my visitors. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers !!!

More on Dino Teoli (Coming Soon)

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