Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to pass by.
It has been quite a ride for the last few years. It has made me realize many things. I was involved in many projects with the goal to get ahead financially with all of them pretty much falling flat. The only one that stayed afloat was my other blog platform Aroundtable.ca, which was done out of pure fun with some of my buddies and my brother, which is still operating after 5 years. It might not be profitable, but we sure enjoy creating content for that platform. What is there not to like: we speak about movies, music, comics and video games and give the fan point of view on whatever we are reviewing. Through the years, it has constantly evolved into what it is today. We have a constant flow of new content every week, a bi-monthly newsletter, an audio podcast, and this year we should be transition towards a video podcast.
That being said, I think what came out of this was that you need to enjoy what you are working on or else you loose interest. Also the pursuit has to be more that the mighty dollar. When all my adventures pretty much went south, I decided to take a step back and see where it all went wrong. I now truly believe that I was not acting out of passion, but out of just trying to make a quick buck. I now understand that if you do follow your passion, whatever it is, it is the path with the least resistance. You enjoy what you are doing and everything seem to fall into place by itself. I always enjoyed writing. Even in University I would rather compose a research paper than write an exam. However through the years, I placed that on the side to pursue other avenues which after awhile, just became boring and I got disinterested, leading me to be less production and less driven. This pandemic forced everyone to press on the stop button and re-access where we are heading. I know that is what i did and decided to focus on my writing. This blog will be where I will be publishing my writing for now. At the same time, I hope to reach out and help people avoid some of the mistakes I did along the way. If I can help them resolve an issue or even just introduce them to a service to help them move forward, I will feel that I have had accomplished something.
My interests go beyond only business, and yes I will continue to speak about business in general, I also want to speak about many other subjects. I wanted my platform to include everything and anything I want to speak about. This brings me to the new sub-title of my blog: The New Age of Evolution.

Society in general is going through quite a change. Who would of thought that in 2020 we would be dealing with a pandemic? You really see the true colour of people when faced with this type of situation. The change, society's evolution, is worth taking the time to observe and comment on while it is happening. I think society as a whole is looking for new way of being. That is why The New Age of Evolution for this blog is an excellent name.
You will definitely see much more content from me. I want to concentrate on writing, so you will see Editorial style pieces like my latest blog post on the USMCA Free Trade Agreement. Something that will not change is that all my assessments will be based on facts. I will also be publishing on this blog my Aroundtable articles past and present. I want this blog to become my catalogue of by writings, and my Aroundtable work is part of that. Who does not like a little bit of entertainment .... LOL
I kept the Resource Page that I previously had. The page was updated with current resources that I use. I encourage you to pass by and check this page on a regular basis. I will continuously keep this page updated so that you can have the most updated information available to you. If there is something that frustrates me the most is going to some sites with out-dated information. We do live in a face paced society, so keeping information current is important to me.
So as you can see I will sharing this experience with all of you. You can also learn more about my background on my My Story Page. I feel excited about this journey. Feel free to contact me by email, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. It will be a pleasure to interact with you and who knows maybe new adventures and collaborations will develop.
Thank you for passing by and keep on smiling.