Hello and Welcome
I would like to give you a very warm welcome to my personal blog website. I have had an interest business side of things for many years. More importantly, I came to realise that business and sociology are intertwined. Different aspects of society need to be studied such as history, culture, religion, politics and the economy. The exploration of these subjects is necessary in order to have a global vision of where society comes from and where it is heading. I have been fascinated by these subjects for many years.
My interest in business is more in exploring the reasons why some are successful, while others are not. I always found it fascinating people that can create something from scratch, find some success, and able to maintain that success over a period of time. This is another aspect that will be explored in this blog.
This blog was created to bring together different types of people from various backgrounds to exchange ideas and ways to help each other so we can all grow personally, professionally and collectively.

I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I am of Italian and French descent (from Quebec and not France). I have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and Special Education from Université de Montréal. At the time when I finished my bachelor's degree, I had a hard time finding full time work. I ended up working in the Retail Industry and have been working ever since mostly in Loss Prevention (Corporate Security) at various management levels. When opportunities became scarce in Loss Prevention, I ended up branching out in Retail / Distribution and Operations and currently working in Retail Inventory Management. These roles gave me a good overview of the business processes in the retail industry.
I have always been fascinated by learning something new. When I was between contracts, I worked as a Blackjack Dealer at the Casino de Montreal. What an excellent experience. From this moment forward, I have always kept an open mind for new experiences and opportunities. I have always enjoyed writing. I loved writing research papers in University. Once I started working full time, well this love was put aside. About 5 years ago, I started an entertainment blog Aroundtable.ca, with my friends Steven Pluto, Johnny Paolino and my brother Philip Teoli. We are all music, movie, comics and videogame lovers at various degrees. I do some occasional writing here, but I mostly maintain the site and our weekly features. Despite not being as successful as where I would like it to be, we saw a steady growth through these 5 years. We now have a bi-monthly newsletter and produce a podcast. We are currently working on a new video podcast, so that will be great once that is up and running.
I also have a dream of writing and publishing a book. Perhaps this platform will lead me to achieve that goal.
I got married in 2012 to my loving wife Lori Hurdle Teoli and we both love to travel. We have been to Europe, the Caribbean many times, United States (that does not really count because its part of North America), and South America. Always ready to leave for a new adventure....
Being born and raised in Montreal, I am a huge Montreal Canadians fan. For those who do not know them, they are the most prestigious hockey team in the National Hockey League (NHL). They have won 24 Stanley Cups (Championships) the most of any franchise to date. I am in general a sports fan, more specifically team sports like hockey, baseball, football and soccer. The team spirit that reigns in these sports is very valuable and a good asset to have in any business environment.
I also love keeping things light. Do not get me wrong, I am a hard worker and when it is time to be serious, I definitely mean business. However, if you can have a good sense of humour, learn from your mistakes, and always attempt to move forward, life does not appear to be as dark and difficult that it often could be. This type of attitude will often make you an effective leader and open up new opportunities.

Why a Blog in this day and age?
As I mentioned above, I do write for Aroundtable.ca, however it is not a platform about societal issues. I felt I needed another platform. This blog used to be solely on mindset and business development, and due to personal reasons, I had to put a hold on this project for a little while. Since it took much longer than expected to re-launch the blog, I decided to broaden the scope of the blog to include other aspects like the arts and politics. Rest assured that my political views will be based on facts and not on partisanship.
I believe that there is a need for some people to discuss our societal and psychological issues in more of a practical and common-sense matter. Everything is so polarized in all aspects of our society that it is hard to foresee where all this is leading us. My goal is to sort out all this misinformation or should I say garbage out there, and report to you the facts and what I think, as a regular citizen, it all leads. By no means I am an expert in politics and sociology, but as a citizen, I like to be properly informed and form my own opinion based on facts.
This is what my blog is all about. I would like to thank you again to have taken the time to know me a little better of where I come from and where I am heading.
You can check out my blog by clicking here.