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The Official Website of Dino Teoli
Consultant / Blogger
In addition to being a consultant, I am a business enthusiast and an aspiring author. I am currently writing for the entertainment website Aroundtable.ca.
The idea behind starting this blog was to sort through misleading information on various subjects like business, e-commerce and the self-improvement industry just to name a few. I want to sort through that and bring you the facts and my opinion from a perspective of an average citizen looking in. My intention is to open a dialogue with the world and determine how we can make this world a better place together as one. I also decided to use this platform to publish my published articles from Aroundtable.ca, editorials on current events, and any other writing projects that will come up. In other words, I will use this as my writing catalogue.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my official website. Do not hesitate to comment or send me a message either on Facebook, Twitter or by old fashion email at dino.teoli@gmail.com. I always enjoy hearing from my visitors. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers !!!