We are presently on the eve of Donald Trump’s 2nd term as President of the United States. I have observed that basically you have those who think this is the best thing that could happen to America and those on the other spectrum that are running scared. The reality of it its probably somewhere in the middle despite the polarization we are seeing in America.
As a Canadian looking in, its quite amazing that the American people opted to vote for a man that on the surface is the most decorated con man of our generation. If you look at his track record in business, the minute he would be able to step on anyone to get ahead he did. This is where his bully style approach to everything comes into play. That is also his approach to government. He has a vision of America and will do everything he can to achieve it. This time around, he knows exactly what to do because of his experience of his first term. That is what is the most unpredictable. No one truly knows how this will all unfold.
During the campaign, I listened to his interviews on Joe Rogen and Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway podcasts. If you take away the politics, which there was not too much of, Donald Trump came off as being very charismatic and down to earth. I could understand the electorate that is just focusing on this aspect and decided to vote for him. The reality today is that the middle class is disappearing in front of our eyes. It is especially true in the USA. Does Donald Trump care of the middle class? I am not too sure, but half of America thought so. They rather vote in someone that all his faults were brought forth into the public eye than the status quo. That says a lot on the sentiment of desperation that most Americans are feeling. People have lost faith in their institutions. As we say, go with the Devil you know and keep your enemies even closer.
You have to give it to Donald Trump. He is an excellent politician. He knows exactly what buttons to push to get people going. It is part of his Chaos strategy or its seems to be. In a nutshell, it is to basically keep everyone on their toes and the situations become unpredictable. This was clearly demonstrated with the threat of tariffs on Canada for the past month or the threat of purchasing Greenland. The man is not acting US President, and he is making people jump and uneasy. Here is Canada, it created quite a stir. On top of that, talk of making Canada the 51st state of the United States just put more fuel to the fire. The Canadian Politicians finally came to their senses and gave a united front against the tariffs but there are divisions like with the Premiere of Alberta, Danielle Smith, who is against anything the Federal Government says, and her interests falls solely on exporting the Albertan Oil to the US and abroad. All that to say, this is a good example of the type of government that Trump will be leading. These are definitely interesting times to live through.

Is the World Order Threatened?
What is actually happening in the world that most democracies are being contested? This has brought to the rise of the right-wing conservative parties. Many Democratic and Liberal parties embraced the woke movement a little too much eliminating common sense from the equation. They simply took it too far. If you just look at immigration, more specifically in Canada as an example. We are a country that was built on immigration, much like the United States. However, for many years until about 10 years ago, we had very strict immigration laws. Not everyone was taken in when they showed up to our borders. Immigrants had to meet specific criteria just to apply to get in, let alone become a citizen. The Trudeau Government opened up the borders way too much, creating housing issues, health care system issues to name a few. Canada was not equipped to receive that influx of people. This type of scenario ihas been observed across Europe and in the US. There has to be some type of norm to keep some order and ensure you can take care of the people that do come in.
Trump does bring up some interesting points especially when it comes to NATO and the United Nations. The United Nations do not have any authority per say. They will publicly denounce any wrongdoing, like the War in Ukraine or the War in Gaza, that it stays there. Very few results stem from them except humanitarian help. As for NATO, I agree that all countries should pay for their fair share, however Trumps bully approach to pay up or we leave does make NATO members feel very reassured. Its all about negotiations, but is this the right approach, I guess time will be the judge of that.
That being said, is the World Order being threatened? I do not think in the immediate future, but I do think the Americans think so. I think this is the last hurrah of the Americans. Some think this will be the new Golden Age of America while others think it will be their downfall. No one really knows and that is how Trump wants it: unpredictable. One thing is for sure the majority of Americans want a change on how things are governed. Donald Trump campaigned on that and won the election. However, are Americans ready for the type of change that Donald Trump forsees? Again time will tell.
Until next time, keep on smiling 😊